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Sixth District Appellate Program
The SDAP Way
A Passion for Justice
SDAP’s attitude toward the representation of indigents is that expressed in Von Moltke v. Gillies (1948) 332 U.S. 708:
“Undivided allegiance and faithful, devoted service to a client are prized traditions of the American lawyer. It is this kind of service for which the Sixth Amendment makes provision. And nowhere is this service deemed more honorable than in case of appointment to represent an accused too poor to hire a lawyer, even though the accused may be a member of an unpopular or hated group, or may be charged with an offense which is peculiarly abhorrent.” (Id., at pp. 725-726, fn. omitted.) Read more.
News From The Director
CAP-LA Accepting Applications for Executive Director
The deadline to apply is March 31, 2025. If you are interested, details about the position, including duties and responsibilities, requirements, the salary range and application requirements can be found at this link. If you have questions, please email Assistant Director, Jay Kohorn, at In addition, ADI is accepting applications for a full time […]
Upcoming Seminars
To view all upcoming seminars for panel attorneys, click below for upcoming seminars.
New Panel Payment System
The Judicial Council has announced that effective September 28, 2024, panel payments under the Court Appointed Counsel Program will be made through ADP, rather than coming from the State Controller’s Office (SCO). Panel attorneys need not take any action. Existing systems, such as the eClaims program and panel attorney direct deposit elections will remain in […]
7 Receive the Gerald Z. Marer Award
Maureen Fox, Patricia Lai, J. Wilder Lee, Jennifer Mannix, Jennifer Peabody, Sara Ruddy, and Victoria Stafford were awarded the Gerald Z. Marer award for panel excellence in 2024. They were assigned a seven codefendant case. The jury returned verdicts for murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and gang enhancements. The appeal lasted eight years, and […]
Mandatory Form for Augment Motions
There is now an updated form proposed order for augment motions. All motions to augment the record filed in the Sixth District Court of Appeal must be accompanied by the court’s fillable standard order form that can be found here. For civil cases, use this form. The court has given us the following guidance regarding three aspects […]
Committed To Helping Our Panel Succeed
SDAP Resources
SDAP Manual
SDAP Panel Manual, Compensation Manual, and Updates.
A comprehensive collection of key resources collected for SDAP panelists.
Practice Tools
Filing Requirements, Directory, Appellate Practice, Motions, Briefs and Petitions.
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